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"To me, the greatest pleasure of writing is not what it's about, but the music the words make." - Truman Capote

Kalle Kalima

Kalle Kalima (b. 1973 in Helsinki, Finland) began his journey into sound with piano lessons at the age of six. Five years later he switched over to the guitar and has never looked back. He studied at the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki and at the Hanns Eisler Conservatory in Berlin under the guidance of Raoul Björkenheim and John Schröder to name a few. After taking up residence in Berlin, Kalima has experienced a revelation in his attitude towards free music.
So far Kalle has worked with trompeter Tomasz Stanko, sax player Juhani Aaltonen, pianist Heikki Sarmanto, bass players Sirone, Teppo Hauta-Aho, Carlos Bica & Ed Schuller, guitarist Marc Ducret, composer Simon Stockhausen, drummer Tony Allen and singer Linda Sharrock. He is also playing with Jimi Tenor, finnish underground pop star. Last years have been busy years for Kalima, touring mostly in Europe but also in Africa, Asia and USA.

Featured on

Anthem For No Man’s Land (vinyl)
Andreas Schaerer
Anthem For No Man’s Land
Andreas Schaerer
Evolution (vinyl)
Andreas Schaerer & Kalle Kalima
Andreas Schaerer & Kalle Kalima
Artificial Sheep
Flying Like Eagles
Kalle Kalima
Lampedusa Lullaby
Lampedusa Lullaby (vinyl)
A Novel Of Anomaly
Andreas Schaerer
Groove And The Abstract Truth
High Noon
Kalle Kalima